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52/M with valvular heart disease

 50 year old male patient who is a farmer by occupation presented with complaints of 

1- shortness of breath since 4 years 

2- palpitations since 4 years .

Patient says he had  chest pain 5 years back - diffuse ,squeezing and severe  for 1 day -for which he visited a doctor and was said to have MI ?

Patient experienced severe shortness of breath 4 years back -at 12 am  - sudden in onset ,severe and lasted for half hr to one hour  ,he woke up and walked for few minutes and took rest .In the mrng patient went to hospital and was said to have cardiac disease ? 

Later on he was put on medications and  was on regular follow up .

Shortness of breath gradually progressed over 4 years - 

Since 5 months patient is  experiencing shortness of breath - on exertion ( farming ,on lifting heavy weights,walking for long distance ,climbing stairs) . patient work has been gradually declined over 5 months ,as he says he becomes dyspneic on doing heavy work .

That progressed to NYHA 4- assosciated with orthopnea ,PND , palpitations ,pedal edema,dry cough on lying down ,since 1 week .

No chest pain ,no giddiness .

No history of wheeze ,chest tightness .

 no decreased urine output .

Ex smoker stopped since 4 years 

And ex alcoholic - stopped 15 years back

Non DM ,Non HTN 

On examination - 

Pallor + 

Mild icterus + 

Clubbing -

Pedal edema+

Tachypneic + 

Pulse - regular ,bounding , normal rhythm.,water hammer pulse + 

Carotid - forceful + 

Femoral - pistol shot sound heard 

Bp-  120/50 mmHg ( wide pulse pressure ) 

Jvp - not raised 

Cardiovascular examination - 

On inspection - 

Apex impulse visible in 6th ICs lateral to midclavicular line 

No other precordial pulsations 

No scars ,no sinuses 

On palpation - 

Apex impulse - felt at 6th ics ,lateral to midclavicular line ,2 cm away from mid clavicular line 

Diffuse - LV type of apex 

Pulsations at left parasternal region - no heave ,no lift 

On auscultation - 

Mitral area- s1 and s 2 heard 

Tricuspid - S1 and S2 heard 

Aortic - ejection systolic murmur .

Erbs point - left 3 ICS - diastolic murmur, intensityof murmur increased with isometric hand grip exercise.

Pulmonary -s2 split 

Findings - 

Dilated LV - cardiomegaly 

With AR   

Ecg : st depression -2,3,avf ,LVH + 

Echo - severe eccentric AR ,with dilated LA,LV ,RA . Moderate MR .Global hypokinesia of LV .


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